sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2015

O Spoiler do dia!!!

Bem, hoje de manhã quando acordei e me liguei às redes sociais vi logo a novidade......Anatomia de Grey....pois, se vêem não continuem a ler!!! Big big, huge spoiler!!! Foi o que pensei quando vi a notícia da "morte" de Derek Shepherd, o Dr. McDreamy da história, cujo amor com a sem sal da Meredith deu tantas voltas e reviravoltas. Mas era a base da serie, certo??? Pois. Agora olhem.....já fostessss Anatomia de Grey! Sinceramente, aquilo já enjoa e agora sem o casal base da serie, não me parece que vá ter muitas mais temporadas. Mas adiante.

Já tinha visto algures que o actor queria sair da serie. Até tinha comentado com uma amiga: será que vai desaparecer como a Izzie? Será que o vão matar numa tragédia épica?? Será que ele vai virar gay e deixar a Meredith? Bem, lá mataram o homem, pois. Tinha de ser né!

Como disse, já estava à espera deste desfecho. Mas spoilar a coisa é que foi mau demais, não acham???A parte boa foi o que me ri com os comentários das pessoas ao vídeo da morte anunciada do nosso McDreamy. Ai senhores....desde as carpideiras a dizerem que choraram 2 horas seguidas ou que parecia que tinha morrido uma pessoa de família, às revoltadas que chamaram todos os nomes existentes à Shonda Rhimes, a boss da serie, e que acharam mau demais o Derek morrer e com a agravante do grande spoiler, às desiludidas que diziam que nunca mais iam ver e que a serie acabou. Temos também aqueles que acreditam que tudo não passou de brincadeirinha. Aqui ficam algumas pérolas:

I'm suing Shonda for emotional distress

Sooooo HEARTBROKEN!!! He was the show!!! Fine, he wants to move on to pursue other things..but why did he have to get killed off like that?!Soooo sad! Why couldn't he have moved away or something or stayed in DC and slowly get us fans used to the fact that he's not on the show anymore?? Why give me anxiety watching the whole entire episode and then have me, along with so many others balling our eyes out?!? Whyyy Will miss you SOOOO much Patrick Dempsey. Saving this episode on my dvr. Ugh

They better bring back Christina for the funeral.

Now you can change the name to "Everybody dies"

PLEASE PLEASE next week .... last 30 seconds of the Season Finale .... Meredith wakes up from a bad dream ....

Horrible writing on this episode. It was like 'take him out to the middle of nowhere and kill him already'. He died alone. . Boy, when Shonda gets mad at you she really screws everyone, including herself. Episode Totally McSucked on every level.

Of all the other tragedies and deaths that have happened on Grey's, the fans have been loyal and understanding. Derek, though? DEREK, MCDREAMY, THE MAN THAT STARTED THIS SHOW?!?!? It feels wrong. It feels wrong on so many levels. It's a betrayal to the show, it's a horrible thing to do to Derek's character, it's a slap in the face to all the loyal fans and it makes no damn sense. We've stood by through EVERYTHING (George, Denny, Mark, the shooting, Kepner's baby, Christina leaving). Even when we were in shock, or disagreed, we never left. This, on the other hand, just might be the breaking point. Meredith is constantly going through huge tragedies. Tonight they showed that they no longer take any pride in making the storyline somewhat believable. No cell signal, yet his phone rings. Brilliant, smart Derek who just witnessed a horrible crash is just going to stop in the middle of the road? Meredith doesn't call ANYONE to come up to the hospital and say goodbye? A GINORMOUS character who has revolved around almost every episode is gone that fast? Even McSteamy had a better, more drawn out death. This just wasn't right. At all.

 DONE!!! With!!! This !!! Show!!! #pissedashell

 I loved this show. I really did. Even when you killed George. Even when you killed Mark and Lexie. Even when Christina left. Even when April and Jackson lost them baby. This is the end. I will always rememberGrey's Anatomy as my favourite show, but I can't watch it anymore. I'm too weak for this. You made me depressed (And one more thing: there are people in the world, who haven't seen the episode yet. I need to know about my FAVOURITE CHARACTER's DEAD on the facebook. It's not cool. Not cool at all.)

Crying in bed alone 

I'm honestly traumatized right now. There are no words.

Story destroyed. I want my 10 years back too.

it's a beautiful day to ruin lives isn't it, Shonda?

How many people cried like they lost a family member? Derek was our family for over ten years and you just kill him off in under 30 minutes. You devote more writing to non characters that are involved in an accident or have an illness. This was just flat out lazy,spiteful writing. 

What happened to Grey's Anatomy? Oh it died with Derek Shepherd. Fantastic job Shonda.

Ósculinhos Mc-sucked-Greys-Anatomy!!!

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